E11: Julie Gibson on ‘Bridging the digital divide’ (Podcast)

E10: Cathy Moore on 10 years of Action Mapping (Podcast)
May 4, 2018
E12: Clint Clarkson on the Trojan Horse of humour in learning design (Podcast)
September 30, 2018

Julie Gibson CEO and Co-Founder of Hitnet joins Justin Cruickshank and Damala Scales Ghosh from The Learning Hook.

Surprisingly, the digital divide (internet access and affordability) is a real issue in Australia. We spoke to Julie about how Hitnet work to bridge this gap with custom technology and content designed specifically for remote and marginalised communities.

Join us for a conversation about design, technology and the digital economy, including:

  • Digitally excluded communities – who are they and what do they need?
  • Co-design as fundamental to creating culturally relevant and useful technology and content
  • Mobile Max – who ‘he’ is and how he is used
  • What the digital hub data reveals (spoiler: stories are the stickiest content)
  • How locally produced media is making a difference

Join us for 40 minutes on these topics and more.

To find out more about Hitnet, check out how a Community Hub works or to get in touch with Julie, visit https://www.hitnet.com.au/

In the chat:

Julie Gibson, CEO and Co-Founder of Hitnet

Damala Scales Ghosh, Lead Learning Designer at The Learning Hook

Justin Cruickshank, Design and Production Manager at The Learning Hook

(and You!)

If any comments at all, we would love to hear from you.

Runtime’s approx. 40 mins.

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