Clint Clarkson, Cartoonist and Learning Design thought leader, joins Damala Scales Ghosh and Brenden Carter from The Learning Hook.
In his own words, Clint’s been tricking adults into enjoying learning since 2001 and is the founder of eLearning Alchemy.
You might also know Clint from his hugely popular cartoon series, ‘The L&D Scene’, depicting those challenges we all too often face in Learning and Development, and especially as designers of learning and performance solutions. We highly recommend connecting with Clint or looking up the cartoon series.
Connect with Clint on LinkedIn and Twitter.
We had a free flowing chat with Clint, covering:
– His road from darts champion to learning design
– The Trojan Horse analogy for the use of humour in learning design
– How synthesising ideas into a comic strip can start conversations and get deep – fast
– The over saturation of trends and their relationship to ‘Something About Mary’ 😊
– Which character he is in the cartoons, and where the stories come from
– The future of The L&D Scene (look out for a book in the near future – yeeha!)
– We explore two key cartoons, which you can view below in conjunction to listening (recommended!)
– We wrapped it up by brainstorming a new cartoon with Clint – this was a live action go at it – see what you think!
We also suggested a LinkedIn challenge – map out your own cartoon (stick figures are fine) and Clint might just make it a reality!
- Share it with us, and/or hash tag it #lndscenechallenge – #lndscene and share with Clint on LinkedIn or Twitter.
In the chat we discuss the following comics from Clint’s work. We recommend viewing them as we chat.
In the chat:
Clint Clarkson, Founder of eLearning Alchemy
Damala Scales Ghosh, Lead Learning Designer at The Learning Hook
Brenden Carter, Creative Director and Founder of The Learning Hook
(and You!)
If any comments at all, we would love to hear from you.
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